المرجو الانتظار قليلا سوف يتم التوجيه الى المنتدى الجديد وشكرا المرجو الانتظار قليلا سوف يتم التوجيه الى المنتدى الجديد وشكرا

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

H1N1 Swine flu is harmless, say experts,2009

H1N1 Swine flu is harmless, say experts

 Interesting article casts doubt on the seriousness of the virus h1n1 villain and I watched the video a sexy man who is not unusual also questioned the seriousness of the spread of the virus
Begin to article:

WHO has made a unilateral declaration of pandemic level 6 on the basis of a harmless „swine flu“ manipulating data and so misusing a provision designed for a deadly plague in order to declare a pandemic level 6 and acquire new emergency powers over the globe.

Cases of swine flu are mild, requiring little or no medical intervention. And deaths from the H1N1 virus remain extremely low, at less than one half of one percent of reported cases as of July 6. There is no sign of the virus mutating to become more deadly.

Rapid tests have been shown to diagnose the „swine flu“ wrongly nine times out of ten, casting doubt on the allegedly swift spread of this flu.

The swine flu has symptons virtually indistinguishable from the normal flu and has never so far been isolated in a lab.

WHO changed the definition of the meaning of pandemic in 2003. With the present terminology every year we will be in a pandemic. In fact every year since 1918 would have been Pandemic Level 6 under the WHO's definition.

WHO changed the definition again this spring so be able to declare a pandemic on an alleged spread of a disease rather than its lethality.
See also this interesting video of Dr. Alex Jones, and it reduces the importance of this virus and the epidemic

Alex Jones Show: The Bird Swine Flu Deception 1/3

Alex Jones Show: The Bird Swine Flu Deception 2/3


Alex Jones Show: The Bird Swine Flu Deception 3/3


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