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Thursday, December 17, 2009

Why Swine Flu And Other Epidemics Spread

Why Swine Flu And Other Epidemics Spread

Why Swine Flu And Other Epidemics Spread - Presentation Transcript 1. Why Swine Flu [ H1N1], Bird Flu and such Epidemics are Spreading 

Answer is simple – we humans out of ignorance or lack of Truth of Nature have created an environment for them to mutate and flourish 

What is the Truth of Nature 

Let us explore to survive 2. Truth of Nature 

Truth of nature is that the nature is constructed out of two forces. – The Force of Matter directed to disorder and death and Force of Life directed to order and life 

These forces exist as ratio in nature. 

Earth and the whole world is designed by these forces. When west awakes to sunlight and goes into disorder, the east sleeps to order – This is the time cycle or energy cycle 

The two opposing process in left and right balances the system * "Technological progress is like an axe in the hands of a pathological criminal." – Einstein 3. Truth of Nature * Time in Material world is directed to disorder, destruction and death – it is directed to Gravitational Collapse 

Time in Life is directed to order and life – it opposes Gravitational collapse and thus support nature

The only exception is humans. Human soul and body works with nature against the time direction of material nature leading to disorder and death. But human mind, that gets aligned with matter creates a time direction to disorder and death. * He upsets the ratio of death to Life Force in nature in favor of death force and thus stresses nature and its functioning.

“ Man is made by his belief. As he believes, so he is.” 4. Truth of Nature * In short he breaks the energy cycle of nature and interferes into nature’s ordering process 

The result is that disorder and death in the system increases 

Every living system in nature, including human beings are affected by it * This gives us the answer to increased instability and violence of human mind and his decreased health

In virus and other microorganism, the stress creates mutation leading to newer and newer epidemics, such as H1N1, which attack the human body

“ Creation is only the projection into form of that which already exists.” 5. Natures Reaction to Human Intervention 

Nature reacts to human intervention – the four forces that other wise supported life, has now turned against humanity. The reports shows, that the earth, sun, the solar system and whole cosmos is unstable 

This explains the increased natural catastrophes, instability of various ecological system. We have seen some of the worst fires, and floods in recent history. Rains that should spread over a month has come in 24 hors causing havoc to life 

“ Man is made by his belief. As he believes, so he is.” 6. The only way for Humanity to Survive 

The only way for humanity to survive is to know the Truth and change our ways

Knowledge out have brought peace, order, happiness, security and so on 

The modern knowledge is giving opposite results, very clearly suggesting that it is based on inferior knowledge

We need to go back to the drawing board and come out with Higher Knowledge of Nature that give order – We need to Awaken to Truth 
Call your friends attention and Spread the news, let the world awake

Read Awakening Truth for more Details * Whenever science makes a discovery, the devil grabs it while the angels are debating the best way to use it. ~Alan Valentine

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